Monday, December 31, 2007

I Wish You A Brave New Year

I don't really have a lot to add to the title of the post, actually.

I'm finally over my cold/bronchitis/mystery bug. 2007 -- really, a pretty bad year for me -- is finally over. I've been regrouping and planning, and I'm looking forward to a 2008 that will be full of changes and new opportunities.

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Brandon Laraby said...

Hi Stephen!

Thank you for stopping by and following along with me. I'm not quite sure where it's all heading or where it'll end up but I'm trying my best. :D

Also, thank you for what you said about the rejection letter - there's still alot that I'm learning about this process and business in general so I appriciate it very much that you took the time to share your experience and your insights.

Hopefully good things will follow.

Cheers man - and Happy New Year!